
 In my book and in my family Food can often be a metaphor for affection
I’m meeting my friend Colin on Friday and he’s a been a bit low as of late. 
We are going out for supper.
Today I cooked a huge beef stew thickened with left over mash potato.
I left it cooking on low for hours, so tonight the meat fell apart as it should for the best comfort food.
I’ve plated a bowl up and wrapped it in foil . 
I will take it around to Eirlys tomorrow morning. I can’t believe it’s been eight weeks since her husbands funeral. Food is always a good gift when grief is involved .

I skimmed a small bowl of gravy from the casserole and let it cool on the garden wall  before taking it up to Albert who has been under the weather today .

He finished the lot 

I was going out to a forensic talk on serial killers in llandudno tonight but couldn’t justify the 30 quid ticket cost ! Having said that I bought a pair of wellies and a reduced priced jug from Sainsbury’s this afternoon. 
The jug is perfect for daffodils 

from Going Gently

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