
I must confess that I am not a big fan of tattoos. Perhaps it's to do with my age and maybe I have become the old fuddy duddy I  swore I never would be. In my defence, let me say that in my youth hardly anybody sported tattoos and the few who did have them were always male - usually with experience of prison or working at sea.

Often when I see younger people with tattoos up their arms or legs, I think - What the hell have you done? Don't you realise that tattoos are permanent and when you grow old your tattoos are bound to look hideous as you gradually  grow flabbier  or more wrinkly. You don't stay twenty one forever. Normally, I keep such thoughts to myself and if there are any  tattooed bloggers or blog visitors reading this then I apologise for my perceived ignorance.

Frequently tattoo enthusiasts are motivated by special family moments including births and deaths. Favourite animals, pop groups and film stars may also feature on the skin of tattoo adherents and some people like to express their political allegiances on their bodies. Why they can't instead do all of this in a notebook I have no idea. After all, those of us who remain steadfastly un-tattooed also witness births and deaths and have favourite bands, places, animals and sports. It's just that we feel no urge to declare such things on our bodies.

In America over the last few years, a  fellow called Donald J. Trump has become a hero to many Republican voters. You may have heard of him. A surprising number of  such folk have declared their hero worship with tattoos of the great man himself. To illustrate this point, here's a small selection: which co-incidentally demonstrate the artistry of  gifted tattooists:-

from Yorkshire Pudding

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