Stopped Short


Yesterday, I spent seven hours at college, most of it reading and writing notes.
Subsequently I slept well after settling down well after 9 .30 pm
I was up early this morning and walked the dogs 
It is the first morning I could see my breath as I poked my head out from under the duvet.
It was the first morning that Dorothy had wormed herself under the duvet

I went out to buy food, and pulled Bluebell into a lay-by in order to concentrate on the first of the Reith Lectures on Radio 4. 
An eloquent, disarming and articulate Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie spoke beautifully about the freedom of speech and for an hour I sat and listened to her wise words, almost without moving a muscle .
I love moments like these.

Yesterday morning, as I went to check on my laburnum tree in the churchyard I noticed a man bending over a grave. His posture looked odd and so it caught my attention and as I watched him , it took me a little while before I realised that he was actually hugging the gravestone.
I sensed he was talking away too
A bitter sweet moment, 
Spied out of nowhere.

And only last night a friend sent me the link to this simple video made from a regular Ukrainian Soldier out on the front line. 
Like the lecture by  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and the vision of the man hugging the gravestone, the soldier’s simple honestly and genuineness was simply rather beautiful 

from Going Gently

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