Sex Bomb


My sister Janet arrived yesterday and did a cracking job on the front garden . In the afternoon, well  after she’d left Mr Poznan knocked on the lane window specifically to tell me now nice the garden looked. 
He came in for tea.

Janet has bought me a ticket to ABBA voyage for Christmas 
We go in February which means another lovely trip to London. 
The last time we went to a concert together, we went to see Tom Jones at the Sheffield Arena . 
I smuggled in a bottle of gin , divided into two water bottles and not knowing it was neat, Janet decked hers a little too quickly 
I remember when we’re on the tram home to Hillsborough she gave a drunken, spirited and rather variable version of Tom’s hit of Sex Bomb to a rather stunned 100 or so fellow passengers as she slid up and down a nearby handrail like a somewhat shaken poledancer 

I think I need to get her a ticket to the Royal Ballet for her Christmas pressie she  needs to experience the Opera House as she’s never been.
Nu and I are going to see The English National Opera’s version It’s a wonderful Life in December, it’s our pre Christmas treat and my nephew Leo and I are off to see Six in London in a few weeks time. 
I’ve booked us a meal in Dishoom Convent Garden as a treat. 

Add to that the fact that old Sheffield friend Jane and I are meeting in Manchester for Jack Thorne’s theatrical adaptation of John Ajvide Lindgvust’s horror piece Let The Right One In next week, and I’m pretty lucky theatre wise 
I think we will have a boogie in the gay village too…hey ho

Last night was a real Hugge night. 

At 6 pm I had a glass of port ( a miniature given to me last Christmas by Mrs Trellis alongside a mars bar wrapped in a red napkin ! )   With some cheese and crackers. I turned the lights low and stoked up the fire and watched the dvd  I Remember Mama with Irene Dunne with a handkerchief  
It was just after 8pm when I got ready for bed mindful of another busy day and I stopped to watch Roger
He was asleep on the yellow arm chair , his tail whirling like a helicopter  as he dreamt happy doggy dreams 

So sweet.

from Going Gently

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