
Look closely and you can see the remains of the nest

The weather has changed and everyone’s heating is on today. 
The wind is from the South West and has been strong enough to loosen the rook’s nest in the last remaining living ash in the graveyard. 
Parts of it, we watched fall during a quick walk.
Incidentally I found parts of my blue plastic earphones in Roger’s poo
I wondered where they had gone.

I’ve done little in 24 hours, only going out to the garage to buy my tearful neighbour a pick me up bag of treats, a few flowers, ice cream, chocolate raisins and 2 gossip magazines.
We all need a treat when we are fed up.

I’ve watched this weeks Bake off and this week’s Walking Dead and needing a bit of company texted a friend to see if they wanted to see the gay rom com BROS later today 
They will……hurrah 

I popped into my Ruth/Ben/John messenger group earlier after I heard the tragic news from Seoul. Ben lives there with his family and a few virtual hugs were shared as they told us that they are all ok. 
I miss working with them both 

The Goonies is playing on sky , but I couldn’t watch it…far too much shouting for my liking.

from Going Gently

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