My Laburnum


When I remember, I go over to the churchyard with a watering can to give “my” laburnum a good soak
I’m too lazy to walk up the lane and up to the Lych gate, so I climb up the field gate, and stand on the gate post then crawl over the top of the wall, pushing the watering can in front of me.
It’s not dignified but it’s quicker.
I always fill the rabbit drinker first, then water my tree which is doing well 
As I finished I heard a voice say something I didn’t catch and I turned to see two women walkers sitting on the bench outside the Church. 
They were eating a picnic.
“ I’m sorry ? “ I said 
It was the older woman that spoke and she asked if the tree was a memorial to a relative.
I told her that it wasn’t but had been a replacement for a giant laburnum which had been blown over a few years ago
“ And you water it regularly ? “ she asked
I feel responsible for it” I replied 
The woman, as it turned out was a Lecturer in History in Dundee University and was completing the pilgrim way across the a north Wales Coast. They were on the last leg of their journey to Holywell which is around 7 miles to the East.
She seemed well versed in everything

“ In folklore Dreaming of laburnum blooms is a prediction that you will overcome adversity through rigorous effort” the woman told me “ But never give the blooms as a gift” she added 
“ I know they are poisonous “ I replied 

No the message in the giving is that the recipient is forsaken “ she replied

from Going Gently

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