
The new bathroom is finished,
A few minor tweaks need to be done, what with a new shower head and the like but it’s finally done and dusted and finished.
I know it’s just a tiny bathroom, in a tiny cottage, but having the final room in my home remains a sort of landmark for me. It’s me, finally putting, my stamp on my home, in my way.
The final ghosts of it being a former marital home, chased away a little more.

It also underlines my a certain balance in my financial independence - and just to think only a few years ago, that independence was in question as the cottage was on the market.

And so here it is, all six foot square of it. 
I’ve seen posher
I’ve pooed in posher
But this is all mine

And it’s made me very happy.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/rZg3TY2

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