Truth part 2

 I need thought I would do this, but there was a question raised in the comment section regarding the baclofen pump. This comment wasn’t meant to harm, but it hurt. For me, there is no alternative. Taking the baclofen orally was not working for me. I had no quality of life. I was existing.   As for the access and availability in poorer countries I can’t speak of. Which brings me to something more pressing. I can’t speak to equity of most anything in the developed world versus the developing world.   Does it anger me? Yes. Does it sadden me? Yes. I’m realizing that I can’t internalize the struggles of the world of which I have no control. I do my best each day to make the most of my blessings that is pleasing to God. The most difficult questions to answer are above my pay grade. When I share my experiences, I do so in hope. That you have hope. And that you fight a battle that is not mine. I’ve harbored too much guilt trying to reconcile why some have access while others do not. I’ve fought that battle. It got me nowhere, but to a therapist’s chair. I’ve asked why of God regarding my condition that will not leave me. I believe in God, but Cerebral Palsy is not leaving me. It’s acceptance. It is what it is. In an ideal world, disabled people wouldn’t feel compelled to always explain something that has no explanation or one I want. I would apologize for this post, but for once I’m not.  Explanation done. I hope this ends this conversation. Blessings my friends. 

from R's rue

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