
 On this Sunday, as I sit in stilled silence, I’m contemplating what to share. The question is this:  My testimony then that I shared of my decision to follow Christ, is different than why I remain devoted to Him. My love for Him as I grow older is more that I am being cracked wide open. He isn’t hidden from me, and I am no longer hidden from a world I can’t change. My exhaustion is leading to peace. I’m starting to dream again. So the question is do you want the original testimony of what brought me to Him or what keeps me there. Nothing I’ve shared lately makes me comfortable. To be free, I must be uncomfortable.  Very uncomfortable. 

Making Christmas cards today, and hope my mailbox is full of them too. 

Happy Sunday. 


In the world

I’m lost

And shocked

In the center

Of the will

Of God

Is everlasting

And amazing


from R's rue

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