
American skunk cabbage on the front cover

The western world seems to be crowded with delivery vans and delivery people these days. Soon every other vehicle on the roads will be an Amazon van. Well, that's how it seems to me anyway.

This morning, I was sitting at this very computer when a yellow DHL van pulled up ouutside. A man in a DHL uniform jumped out with a package for me. He photographed  it on our doorstep to prove that it had been delivered. This procedure is becoming quite common and of course the deliverers never seek permission to take those snaps.

A package for me? I wondered what on earth it might be. Inside the yellow DHL plastic bag was a cardboard box. Spotting it - that's when the penny dropped. My calendars had arrived!

My Geograph site had for the first time given contributors the opportunity to have  personalised 2022 calendars made - using their own chosen  images. Given the fact that I have contributed almost sixteen thousand photographs to the Geograph project I had plenty to choose from before settling on my final thirteen - twelve months and the cover image.

I am delighted with the quality of the finished product.  It's so professional. Perhaps I should have ordered more than the six I paid for. Now it's too late. The curtain has come down on the initiative which was hatched in order to boost Geograph funds.

Of course, I was obliged to include a cow...

from Yorkshire Pudding

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