
 I ask myself lately this question. What is that?  Does God my full attention. Not to complain. Not to right others’ wrongs. Am I giving Him all of me so I can do His perfect and pleasing will. With the anchor of God, each day is a reset. Daily I need to step into His word and live it out. When I veer, pain is on its way. I desire the candy of life, but it leaves me hungry for the food that nourishes. I need the broccoli and beef not Swedish fish or Sour Patch Kids. As much as I like the latter, it leaves me yearning not long after being consumed. Satisfaction comes from hard work. It comes from doing the necessary. It comes from the silent determined face that is quiet that speaks without uttering a word. 

In Your prescience

I look up

I don’t join

In worldly arguments

I just persevere 


Vengeance is 

Not mine

My job

Is here

To complete

With these keys

You’ve put 

Before me

from R's rue

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