

Dave’s on the right

Gorgeous Dave and I went to the theatre tonight.
We went to see the “ immersive” piece straight from London’s Donmar Warehouse called Blindness.
Based on the novel by Josè Saramago, Simon Stephens has produced a truly unnerving and emotional piece of theatre, where the audience is sat in covid bubbles of two , scattered over the main Anthony  Hopkins main stage in near darkness.
Each one of us were asked to wear headphones over which we heard Juliet Stevenson’s savage narration of a doctor’s wife experience of internment by the authorities after her husband and thousands of other are inexplicably turned blind by a mystery pandemic.
Stephens uses tricks of lighting , heavy darkness and the claustrophobia caused by wearing masks in the theatrical space to great advantage and at times when Juliet Stevenson is urgently whispering her fears and observations into your ear, it actually feels as though she is there!  
Both David and I were quite unnerved by the whole experience, and rather moved by it.
The sign of a good theatre trip is how much the audience talks about the production afterwards.
And we talked about it all the way home . 

from Going Gently

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