

Mave and I , alongside Peter, a soft spoken Glaswegian with a plethora of ribald stories and Latino Tim from Atlanta in Georgia won the Big Gay Quiz last night which was fun.
It was nice to enjoy some healthy double entendre conversation without someone getting all thin lipped and upset about things.
I’ve found that to my cost here.
Say something earthy and indecorous  
And there is always someone with a mouth like a cats arse, bursting to tell you off .

I’ve made the effort today. 
I’ve ironed a shirt and jeans ( yes IRONED!)
And I’ve had a shave , oiled my beard and combed my hair. 
Standards have been slipping in Chez Gray recently and it’s time to get a grip on things.
I’ve even had several squirts of Clinique Happy...
I’m ready for action

I made lovely strong coffee this morning and flavoured it with algave Nectar and sat outside in the sun with a book. 
At lunchtime I’m meeting up with my sisters for a distanced garden lunch which will be a real treat.
The sun is out but it’s a little cold
Bracing ! 

from Going Gently

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