Land of Morning Calm

My last shift today, no 6 out of 9...I needed that bucket of coffee this morning

 I think, like many people I know, foreign travel will not really feature in my plans this year.
A friend has just invited me to Sitges in September which I’m seriously considering albeit for a long weekend rather than a two week break but apart from that , I think , like thousands of others I will concentrate on meeting up with friends in Blighty ...namely London, and in Yorkshire and in Liverpool and indeed in Wales.
Next year things change as I am planning to go to South Korea ! 
How’s That for a curved ball ? 
My friend and colleague Ben is moving there with his wife and daughter this year and in the spirit of adventure fellow colleague Ruth and I thought we’d throw caution to the wind, and don our explorer hats. to   “ do” the Far East Country which still remains a mystery to many westerners and meet up with him in the process. 
Note to self
Time for some overtime .....we may even visit Busan lol

Ps village news...a couple of days ago it was Auntie Glad’s birthday 
She was 102. 
She will have no recollection of me and the flower show and of tying bags of scones on the door knob of the cottage
She won’t remember the last show when she opened the proceedings with a bravura speech
And she probably not remember often sleeping in the sun outside her front door on sunny Welsh afternoons 

from Going Gently

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