
I came across a brand new word today and it is an honour to introduce you to it too. The word is:-

It means this: "One who has been fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus and brags about it."

You may have encountered such people yourself..."Oh yes, I have had both vaccinations. Had my last one on Tuesday. No adverse reactions at all. I feel I am wearing a suit of armour now. That pesky virus can't get me now. I am 100% safe. I feel so good. Oh, by the way, have you had your first jab yet?"

The author of this blog has only had one jab so far. He will be receiving his next one on May 5th. No doubt on that day I will become a fully-fledged vaxhole too. 

And while we are into bragging, let me pause to boast about Britain's brilliant vaccination programme that has seen significant falls in COVID cases, new hospitalisations and deaths. In the last twenty four hours COVID only claimed 19 British lives and yesterday it was only 58. We seem to be getting something very right after so many mistakes  in the past year,  mistakes that have led to a total of 126,592 deaths.

I wonder if there's a new word for someone who boasts about his country's vaccination success? Perhaps  - an asshole? Oh no - quick research tells me that this word already exists - 
A person who is intentionally cruel, obnoxious and heartless. Assholes are most often 
male. A female who follows these traits is referred to as a bitch. Assholes can 
take any form. Knowing this allows you to spot assholes at any time or place.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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