The time difference between Australia and Wales makes for relaxed chatting a little difficult .
When it’s 8 pm gin time in Trelawnyd it’s 7am coffee time in Sydney but undaunted by this my old friend Nia arranged a meet for both of us but under the strict rules of cooking together .
I’ve never done it before and I must admit it’s great fun 
We chose to make a proper Croque Monsieur from scratch 
She in her high tech, sun kissed antipodean kitchen , me in my slightly chilly but perfectly IKEAn version. 
It was lovely, as neither of us had much news of any note to talk about, so we would share snippets of what was happening in between yells of “How’s your bechimel sauce coming along ? “
“ ohhh I can hear sizzling !”
An hour and a half later, the croques were crumbs and we were reminiscing about the fatly comical kookaburras I remembered watching in her garden only five years ago .
It was lovely 
Our next meet will be in a few weeks time. 
We are going to paint together in acrylics 
An abstract painting 
Sounds like fun
Nia ( front) with my arm around her circa 1980
The rest are my family and friends 
We were in the audience of a production of Oklahoma my Aunt was starring in 

from Going Gently

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