
 I have been mulling over something quite serious for some time now. 

Covid and isolation, have re circled my more neurotic wagons so to speak and conversations with new friends who have gently raised an eyebrow have made me think about my divorce and my feelings of hurt and loss.
And anger. 
I’m rather tired of still feeling angry.
It’s heavy and odious burden 
So today I did something about it.
I spoke to my ex husband and to my former mother in law on the phone.
They were careful but ultimately kind.

The conversations were emotional in their own way but both ended quietly and with a positivity long such lost. 
I was reminded of the quote below as I walked around Trelawnyd this afternoon. I was delivering Christmas Cards in the freezing rain. 
The darkness and weather hiding tears of release .

“You have to forgive yourself sometimes. Accept your scars for what they are and forgive the old you and people who have hurt you. Maybe that is how you learn to breathe and walk again. Maybe that is how you heal from the past. Maybe that is how you move on.”

from Going Gently

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