Velvet Voiced Linda

 The Trelawnyd Street Wardens have been given notice of the impending lockdown by the ever gracious Velvet Voiced Linda . You can just make her out far left on the front row, her fashionable pant leg sidewards at a jaunty angle.
Even though, the initiative wasn’t only her idea, VVL made the whole thing work and she did it with diplomacy and a voice like chocolate. 
These things seldom work without good leadership and at the original meeting there was many ideas thrown about, several of them not always constructive. But Linda ran with the good ones, commanded warmth and respect and got things done.
Not an easy job I can tell you.
In any forum 

Not everyone in the village gets on. 
Of course that’s a given, what with petty jealousies, power struggles and a previous middle aged patriarchy , and to be honest there is at least one person who I know hates my guts with blind testosterone and Mucho gusto!
I don’t care, as I know I am a person who speaks his mind, 
It sometimes goes with the territory of being gobby and gay
But.....if I am being honest the feeling is bloody mutual...and is one stoked by petty behaviours witnessed when I was more at the front line of village activities....
Not quite the chocolate box village I often portray eh
But a very normal one, truth be told.

The decision making for Trelawnyd by Trelawnyd people is now much more diverse and eclectic
And that can only be a good thing. The community Council and the village association now run side by side which is healthy and with these and Linda’s wardens flexing their muscles, ready for a second wave we have good people prepared to fight the good fight

from Going Gently

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