
The vet’s bill hasn’t arrived as yet
Mary has has a special “ pellet “ of antifungal meds placed inside her ear canal and she is looking brighter for it even though her already selective hearing has become even more selective 
A new smiley and rather smarmy vet has started at the practice And he didn’t ingratiate himself with me especially after referring to Mary as looking a bit tatty
“ You don’t look all that spruce yourself “ I countered to little effect. 
Never insult the dog of an old queen 
We never forget 

I’m having a mooch day today which is involving sharing the new sofa with Dorothy ( an activity designed to reduce her anxiety and jealous feelings of the other dogs.

Dorothy was Sooooo pissed off

It’s not working as you can see.
As Mary has just joined us
Dorothy is now  in a foul mood 

I’ve made pesto and sour dough bread this morning and my friend Colin is coming for dinner later which will be nice ( before the trolls say anything he’s in my bubble) 

I’ve just listened to the Whitty and Valance Speech on COVID too
Things seem a little glum and I wonder what gems Boris will come out with tomorrow 
It feels how we just have to live with COVID now and for some the axe will fall

Still maintaining “Dorothy “ time 
I’ve paid bills online, watched the trailer of the Walking Dead finale which airs in two weeks and written some emails 
And after Mary went off to mooch elsewhere Dorothy has had me all to herself 
And her sulking and tantrums subsided to a peaceful hug and her face on my feet 

 I need to get up soon 
The grass needs mowing 

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