The search for his next chapter begins.

Neil clicked on a profile which turned out to be Debbie.  He read a short history that she shared about her life as a single lady looking for just the right guy and how unsuccessful she had been in finding a committed relationship.   He liked the way she looked and wondered if she would contact him back.

After several days of somewhat flirty texts back and forth, they arranged to meet at a pub for a face to face meeting. 

She told him about her life, but he wasn't really listening - only appearing to because his mind was going crazy with thoughts about his wife who had passed away eight  months earlier.   He wondered should he be this honest and open on this first face to face meeting with this pretty lady across from him.  He decided that this was the only right course of action.  However, he couldn't relate the story without tears and before too long, Debbie received a phone call which she quickly took and getting up from the table apologized for the emegency call she just received and how she had to attend to this call immediately.

Neil was left sitting there with his glass of beer and tears in his eyes wondering if he would ever get over Sarah.  A part of him wanted to leave and go home and the other part was waiting ...waiting long enough to finish his beer to see if by some chance Debbie would come back to the restaurant to hear the rest of his story.  His tears truly told him that he was ready to close that chapter of his life and to step out into a new version of himself. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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