Thank You

" Siri !!!! what FUCKING DAY IS IT TODAY??"
I asked at 6 am
She told me it was Friday the 30 th of April .
May tomorrow I thought.
Off to work all day today so I need to be brief
Thank you to the Going Gently readers who have supported my hospice by buying one of the new famous Goat tee shirts celebrating our town's new phenomenon of " Goats in the streets!!"

Some people have asked if they can get these tee shirts from overseas and so I rang the hospice PR lass today who said yes the tee shirts will be shipped worldwide!

Also a big thank you to Fi who nominated us to the Lake District Gingerbread  Company for some free Gingerbread which arrived today! It was lovely

Here is my dear colleague Diane showing off one of the donated packages !!

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