
I make our evening meals. For tonight's menu I prepared Lincolnshire sausages, a simple salad and homemade oven chips (American: fries). Nothing too fancy.

I got the sausages in  the oven and then went to find the bag of  baking potatoes that I bought in our local "Lidl" store last week. Casually, I ripped through the polythene and to my surprise discovered this very big potato inside (see above). It is possibly the biggest regular potato I have ever handled. I decided to weigh it and it came in at just over two pounds and just under one kilogram. Bloody massive it was.

I only needed that one potato for our chips and in fact I didn't use it all. Imagine asking a guest or family member if they wanted a baked potato and then presenting them with that monster!

Out of curiosity I decide to find out if my potato's size was anywhere near record-breaking. Naturally, I expected it to pale into insignificance compared with the really big boys. Indeed, there have been many much bigger potatoes. The current record holder was grown in the village of Halam, Nottinghamshire by a gentleman called Peter Glazebrook back in 2011.

His whopper weighed in at 4.99 kilograms - or just under eleven pounds in old money. In other words, it was five times bigger than ours. But to me it seems something of an aberration - quite freakish with its various nobbly bits. At least our spud was a normal-looking complete tuber.

Peter Glazebrook's record breaker (2011)

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/NSbf7dE

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