Mamma Mia film Night


The TCA film night kicked off tonight and I’m glad I pushed past no sleep to help out well….until Pierce Brosnan started to sing him dreadful set piece SOS and I sneaked home, well before half time, after a couple of large white wines and gossip with the velvet voiced Linda and Lorraine from the Garden Centre

We had twenty five people turn up, mostly the women and children of the village , so it was more a practice night to sort logistics and technical issues out ( Thanks to Andrew And Dave who sorted out the speaker problems)

I think the event will grow with some lateral thinking 

The aubretia is bright purple on the Walls of Chapel Street and the blossom vibrant on the village green.

It was nice to get home 

I’m tired today

No sleep today…..I need a catch up too…..btw Roger goes in next week for his snip, and not a moment too soon,

from Going Gently

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