Catch Up


As a student nurse , I knew this view very well. 
It’s the view of the west side of Sheffield from the multi story Royal Hallamshire Hospital and I love this photo in particular as in the recent snow storms a few schoolboys had written this greeting to all of the patients whose wards look out over the city.
How sweet is that?

Thank you for all your best wishes for Albert, who is brighter today , although certainly not out of the woods health wise .

In the middle of the night, tired of the cramped conditions , I retired to my own bed followed by Mary and Dorothy. Roger remained on guard and was fast asleep on the floor when I got up at 8 am for their walk. 
Albert stirred from under the bed when I moved it aside and looked at me angrily
He hissed when I tried to examine him 
He doesn’t look well and has lost weight but, still there he was, so I left him be and took the dogs out.
He was sat on my bed when I returned. 
I crushed some cat food in my fingers and put it in front of him.
And he ate it. 
But not all. 
I’ve left him with towels on the floorboards and the fan heater on.
I have a plan.

I will take him to the vets tomorrow if he gets worse or remains off his food. But I’m not wanting heroics. 
He’s a cat who hates being touched, abhors strangers and loathes vets and the thoughts of investigations and blood tests and let’s see what we can do ? is not kind for the type of cat he is. 
I’m in two minds  to take him up to the surgery but its 17 miles away and well out of the vets visiting district.
But we wait and see.

from Going Gently

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