
Over on the west coast of Ireland my late brother Paul had two sons with his wife Josephine. Above you can see Paul's youngest son Kevin with his new baby boy - Finn who was born this very month. I love the look on Kevin's face. It seems to be saying, "I love you Finn and I will guide you and watch you grow and get money to feed you and keep a roof over your head and be the very best father I can be to you. Thank you for your arrival this very day. You are already beginning to enrich my life."

Of course Kevin's girlfriend Serena had a small part to play in making Finn happen.

It is a shame that he came into our world almost thirteen years after Paul's untimely death. Paul would have loved his first grandson with all of his heart, perhaps playing tunes on his fiddle to send the little man to sleep. 

Here's Paul's older son Michael holding his brand new nephew:-
Michael and Kevin were born within eighteen months of each other and remain very close. They are both trained electricians so as long as they avoid touching live wires they'll always be okay for work. They were always smashing little lads but of course they are grown men now. Michael was thirty one last December.

Youth evaporates but life goes on.

Welcome Finn.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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