Making Money

 I am one of the trustees for the Trelawnyd Community Association which is a charity . 
It’s “official remit is as follows
The TCA was formed in 2018 by a group of friends to try and enhance social cohesion and reduce loneliness in our small rural village. The aim was to provide activities, entertainment and education as well as advocacy and help for those that needed it

 A recent subgroup of the charity has been formed to take on the running of the Memorial Hall, a building which given the recent financial crash , has proved to be an expensive place to run. I am a member of the sub committee which is in the process of marketing and fundraising for the hall.

One of my ideas is to make use of the buildings massive windows 
There are five in the hall proper  , each with 48 individual panes of glass in it.
That’s 336 panes of glass in total.
I was thinking that we could offer each of the panes out for sponsorship , in memory of a loved one and that person’s name could be memorialised on a plaque or on the window itself 
After all the Hall itself was built at the turn of the century by Michael Ralli, in memory of his wife Polynmia 
Sponsoring a pane for say 30£ Could earn the hall over 10, 000£

Any other fundraising ideas ?

from Going Gently

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