Family News

 It’s a day for celebration, family celebration. 
The Gray name, it would seem, will be carried on a little further into the future with the arrival of baby Andrew Gray only yesterday . The son of my nephew Jon was a tad early in showing, but he’s not only took my brother’s Christian name but takes the family name beyond any of us childless siblings will ever do.
My brother, who died of motor neurone disease over a decade ago would have be tickled pink by the news

Nephew Pete, My sister Ann, Brother in law Tim and nephew Chris

My sister Ann’s husband Tim is in Windsor Castle with the family  as I type this. Princess Anne will be awarding him his MBE today for services to the local business community. 
Several years ago Ann was awards a British Empire Medal for her services to the community 

It’s lovely to have some good news 

from Going Gently

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