Serendipity Again

 Eunice came and went and left very little mark on Trelawnyd yesterday.
I wasn’t woken by the wind but by worrying that overnight 8 thousand pounds had been deposited into my current account without my knowledge and not long after I had tried to sleep for an hour or so after getting home, I got up and rang the nhs pensions department in order to clarify why they had sent me the money .
The young man who eventually answered my call, laughed in genuine good humour.
My former nhs employer had processed my pension incorrectly and I was being recompensed for the mistake
Again when it has come to money 
Serendipity has chosen some brilliant timing in my recent life and she’s her stuff just when I needed it.
This is the third time in so many years that good fortune has smiled on me when I’ve needed money the most. 
Not having to scrimp and save for things like I’ve had to do with the chimney repairs is wonderfully satisfying. 
I’ve paid off my overdraft, my credit card bill and have deposited the rest into my savings account while I do some thinking…..
How lucky am I 

Hey ho

from Going Gently

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