“COCK OFF!”, Troll, and other irritations ......

The new cockerel on the block

Old cock 

Yesterday a new cockerel has suddenly appeared in this part of the village and the resulting “ Cock off!” between him and the single and rather lonely bantam cockerel who has lived between Church and gardens for over two years now was loud and never ending since around 4am.
Like my fellow blurry eyed neighbours , I am very much in need of my bucket of coffee this morning.

The new cockerel with his distinctive crow has proven to be a minor irritation today
Yesterday I was irritated by a troll, which is the way of the world , if you have, like me,  blogged for any length of time.
Trolls surface like pond scum
Or as Julia Robert’s Julianne said in My Best Friend’s Wedding 
“ pond scum. Well, lower actually. like the fungus that feeds on pond scum.“
Anyway the analogy is true Trolls surface, like pond scum, from time to time.

For those that didn’t pick up on it, my troll appeared in Sunday’s blog. She ( and the language and way of writing proves the gender of the troll to me) disguised herself as a somewhat angry and traumatised elderly man called Bill, who had been separated from his Alzheimer suffering , nursing home resident wife because of Covid . “ He” took me to task about us not social distancing or wearing masks on the beach, not adhering to Government rules ( which we were) and eventually  became more angered with a  more pointed rant “ People like you ..selfish....hugs and kisses with a friend .....etc etc “ All personal attacks centred around me ,emotion and not in any fact relating to personal “ bubbles “ and rules of the time.

Bill’s logging on to blogger was only on that day. The threats and arguments had been clearly been collated from months ago and the troll didn’t factor that her use of language and argument  had been clearly used before under other pseudonyms and guises.
It is easy to compare the wording and grammar
Exactly......A no shit Sherlock moment ..

How dare that troll.
How dare you, pretend to be and hide behind such a vulnerable character, in order to make a point and to obviously win an argument.
And how sad that you have spent the time processing this infantile disguise in order to garden support and sympathy .

This is not the way adults should behave
You should be ashamed of yourself.

There, out with anger , in with love!

My bucket of coffee is almost empty and I’m more awake and I feel more human
and finally the Cock Off has quietened down somewhat, so much so that  I can hear the hedge sparrows arguing again in the honeysuckle over the front door.
Big breaths
Out With Anger , In with Love

Today is a mooch day .
I considered cinema but the weather is good and Mary has been booked in to the vets at 4 pm for a check up on her recurrent ear problem .
So I will be making low fat meals for my Next long days at work.
I’ve arranged to meet some old friends on Friday who are staying at Matriarch Irene’s Caravan park
and Sunday it’s lunch out with Chic Eleanor and friends 
All lovely social things to look forward to
Social distancing and government guidelines permitting
.........of course!

I will leave you with this video
It reminds me of my singleton days before Husband and after my first boyfriend

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