FRIDA  "There have been two great accidents in my life. One was the trolley, and the other was Diego. Diego was by far the worst. " 

(We have had tree trimmers on the street right below us and they have been taking down a very very dead tall tree with their high crane and many workers helping to lower it down and then cut the trunk up.  So, a saw has been going for hours and lots of loud voices for the last two days.   Down in town dead trees are also being removed (trees that died from the Bark Beetle.   The more dead trees they remove the safer the power lines will be in winter which is a good thing). 

While waiting for cooler weather a little later in the day to go out for a walk, I've been taking care of things in the house.  I found a folder with a lot of old art that I want to throw away so I took photos of them.  Here is one of Frida I did back in 2008 when I was interested in learning about her life.   Her life was filled with physical challenges and she died so young at 47.   I was just learning to do portraits and looking back  reminds me exactly where I was sitting when I sketched this (outside on my atrium that divided the main house from my bedroom and an area I loved to be in).

Last week due to what was predicted to be high winds (which never came to our area), I packed a few things,  a suitcase with some clothes, some of my notebooks and personal things in case we had to evacuate due to high winds that could whip a small fire into a burning forest.  Today I unpacked everything and decided not to worry about things that may or may not happen.   

Sometimes worrying about things is so much more stressful than actually going through something.  I already have had  a huge fire bearing down on our property in 2003 and we evacuated and I never once worried about what was left behind, it almost felt like if it all burned down it would be a cleansing of some sort.   The house didn't burn down but trees along the fence lined burned and it was a very close call.  

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