It was a chilly spring day when Neil decided to take his new rescue cat out walking.  He left Griffin behind because the cat's attitude toward "Sam" the new cat, was a little too aggressive.  He knew eventually they could be comfortable around each other but he needed to give Griffin space to "think" about his actions.

Neil had decided it was not time to go searching for a new relationship.  The week or so he had been texting with Debbie, proved to him that he wanted someone who had deep feelings for him and not someone who loved him for what was in his wallet.  He knew her motives - she was as transparent as a thin film of water on glass.

After making the decision a few days ago he set out to find another cat to share his life and give him even more reason to get up and get moving every day.  He had never trained Griffin with a leash but he was determined to make Sam a cat who could accompany  him on his walks.

He was enjoying the walk when a text came in from Debbie.  He read her offer of a relationship and after a minute or so wrote back and declined it.   Did he feel bad?  No, not at all.  He felt invigorated because he knew there was someone out there who could love him for who he was, sweat pants and all.

sam looks like a chihuahua but he is definitely a cat.

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