
1. Looking from this blog's engine room - our study. Little Margot is at the foot of the stairs and about to climb up for the umpteenth time. She's not walking independently yet but she is getting there and it won't be long. For the time being, it is safer to motor around the house on her hands and knees in the manner of a quadruped. Hurry up Grandpa! You have got to shepherd me up the stairs so I don't tumble down! "Oh dear - not again!" he grumbles.

2. This evening, following yesterday's trip to Buxton, I had another social appointment. This time it was dinner at "The Norfolk Arms", Ringinglow with the eight men who make up our main pub quiz opposition. Let me see now - there was Peter, Geoff, Tony, Dave, Stewart, John, Mike and Den. 

It was kind of them to invite me and the Christmas meal was pretty good. I had lovely, homemade French onion soup followed by a tasty turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Afterwards, there was room for Christmas pudding and custard and a warm minced pie.

The other men are aged between 63 and 77 and all very pleasant. We had some good laughs. I guess I have known them for ten years. There's always  good banter with them and friendly rivalry. To be honest, they have been winners at the weekly quiz more often than my team have been. Hell - what do you expect? There are eight of them and usually only three of us.

"The Norfolk Arms" is more than a mile from the last suburbs of Sheffield. Shirley drove me up there and Peter, who had major heart surgery earlier this year, drove me home.

It had been a very agreeable night out with good company, good food and good service. Below, "The Norfolk Arms" in the summer of 2018:-

from Yorkshire Pudding

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