Washing machine

 Washing my sheets on this rainy Monday morning has me drawing some parallels with life. The rain may dampen my mood, but it necessary to rid all the impurities and toxins of life. The rain wipes the slate for new thoughts to take hold. My thoughts need a daily cleanse. If anyone were to go through the scramble of my thoughts, they’d be shocked. The amount of worry and anxiety that roams around my brain is one I can’t quantify. My thoughts are like my sheets. They’re not privy to the cleansing, they just know it’s happening. Maybe that’s all that needs to be known. The answer is not as vital as the process to the outcome. Life is much like that sentiment. The destination is not as important as the journey to arrive there. This is all to say that maybe I should take a spin in the proverbial washing machine.

Blessings my friends. Love oneself and one another. 


from R's rue https://ift.tt/3NbowP6

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