PT chronicles

 PT chronicles

Let me says rehabbing a knee is agonizing. Yesterday in the span of forty five minutes I wanted to lace expletives, clench teeth and collapse in my own sweat. I had to be reminded to breathe and rest. The burn didn’t feel too good. My physical therapist took a look at my face, and couldn’t help but chuckle. She knew I could do hard things. I’m realizing that as well. I feel like a rubber band this morning. I see that I need challenges. I don’t rise without it. If I’m bored, I get complacent. Sounds like my spiritual life. God is using PT to fully trust and seek Him. I’m realizing that my body is weaker than I’d like to admit. I realize that the therapists see that I need the time under tension, the duress to feel a sense of accomplishment. I need to see results even if they’re not measurable. I don’t know if I could measure my spirit, but with His name on my lips, it is enough. 

Love one another and self

from R's rue

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