
 Forty observations

5.  I can be upset, but my anger mustn’t fester. I don’t have the luxury of anger. It only triggers my anxiety and depression. Those two things may not leave anytime soon. I need to learn to cope. I’ve not coped with my past or present. I’ve been reminded of it this week. 

6.  When I can’t internalize God’s words, I turn on gospel music. The African-American church loved me in a way I can’t explain. Much like churches in foreign nations have brought me peace. I immerse myself in a culture that loves me without expectation. 

7. The world may be cruel, but I must not repay with cruelty. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’m learning this very deliberately. If I repaid all the misdeeds of others with meanness, it wouldn’t cease. My lineage is an eye for an eye, but my Savior demands the opposite. 

8.  As long as I’m able to live I’ve been given the directive to love as He has loved me. That is a goal to actively seek. I am hopeful to be up to the task, and willing of the call. Love yourself and one another

from R's rue

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