Nantucket dreams

 Yesterday marked one year since my trip to Nantucket. It’s one of my favorites I’ve ever taken. The ferry rides, ocean breezes, and lobster rolls. I’m taking myself back. I realize most of my domestic vacations take place in New England. It’s the place my heart is set free. It’s ironic as I start physical therapy today, I push on so that I can continue to travel. Travel helps me release the burden of who I am. I get to meet new people who don’t know my story. I get to explore. I get to see the places that books have only been described to me. Right now, I’m in the process of digging deep to unearth why it is I have a desire to escape. Escape my reality. Create a new one. Even if it’s only temporary. To be free requires a work I’m only now truly seeking. Eventually the truth is this:  No one can free you, but God working through you to accept facts not facades. 

So as my memories bring me happiness, my present is working so my reality desires acceptance. A reality I can embrace not despise. 

from R's rue

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