
In a shady part of our garden, under aged apple trees there's a border I created a few years back. It contains a laurel bush, a couple of hostas, a couple of ferns, a spotty plant that Old Bert gave me, a garden gnome and a Buddha statuette.

The other day I noticed that this border was becoming overgrown. Fortunately, today I had an urge to tackle it. At our local Lidl store, I bought two bags of decorative bark chippings and then set about the border by carefully weeding it. Actually, most of the plants I took out by hand were not weeds at all but border plants that had extended their territory without permission.

I also pruned back some of the laurel bush and nearby holly.

When all was done I  slit open the bags of bark chippings and poured them between the plants before raking in. I guess this all took me ninety minutes or so. It looked a lot better when I was done but the Buddha still has flaky skin disease. I am hoping to buy a new Buddha to replace the old has-been.


And as I am on the business of gardening, here;s the top of our garden looking to the vegetable patch while before it runner beans are already climbing up my wigwam of bamboo canes:-

from Yorkshire Pudding

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