
I was born in the year that Queen Elizabeth II was crowned and tomorrow, seventy years later, it's the turn of her oldest son, Charles. He is now seventy four years old and it is as if he has been preparing for this moment all of his life.

Though I have never met him in person, I have  rather admired Charles from afar. Smiles and laughter come readily to him and he clearly enjoys meeting other people, listening to their stories with the same kindness and genuine interest that his mother showed throughout her reign. He never seems condescending.

Charles has always been interested in architecture and design and he was vocal about climate change and the environment long before that became fashionable. In the past, he was often  dismissed as being rather eccentric or wacky - someone who hugged trees and talked to the plants in his garden but this was arguably just further evidence of his deep affection for the natural world.

Yes. It his coronation tomorrow and the London police force have never before prepared such a comprehensive security web involving thousands of officers from all over the country

It will be an enormous challenge because the world of 2023 is much different from 1953. No matter how much planning is done and how many police officers are involved there is always the possibility of some sort of terrorist outrage so that the day will forever be remembered for that rather than the pageantry of this special moment in our nation's history. 

I sincerely hope that the day goes off without serious incident and that King Charles III is crowned in style. Though I don't believe in God and I don't much approve of monarchs either,  I will still wish him well and  say...

from Yorkshire Pudding

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