
What pray is in our black wheelie bin? Could it be general household rubbish? Perhaps it's garden waste or yet more culled books resulting from our valiant attempts to reduce the volume of stuff in our attic

No my friends, it's none of those things. I will give you a clue and that clue is King Herod. True Christians should get this easily so my apologies to Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist  visitors.

Yes my friends - it's babies! I raised the lid to empty some grass cuttings and there they were - all eight of them staring back at me. They were once Frances's dollies but she doesn't want them any more and I was told they are too grubby for Phoebe.  A lot of our unwanted stuff has gone to charity shops but apparently  these babies would not pass the sale-ability test. Also they are hardly recyclable because of the mixed materials used to manufacture them.

The new roof was completed last week and this week I have been hanging around waiting for the scaffolders to return to readjust their framework and planks so that I can get up there to paint the pebbledash rendering on our house. They finally arrived this morning so tomorrow I expect I will be up there most of the day rolling and dabbing in the sunshine. It is a slow and painstaking job but at least this time I will be on a scaffold and not on the top of a ladder. It should be easier.

The irksome bit will be getting on and off the scaffold via my ladder. I had a practice run after tea this evening. You have to swallow hard before you swing your leg over.  I promise to be careful but if this is my last blogpost you will know why.

By the way, we have had that black wheelie bin since 1993  - thirty years. I remember the day it arrived. I stuck Ian and Frances in it and wheeled them up and down the street. Oh how they laughed!

from Yorkshire Pudding

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