Most evenings the trendy blue sofa is full of dogs, cat and me.
It’s the nice part of animal ownership , where the pack quietly comes together for a bonding sleep, usually at the very end of the day when bellies are full and everyone is in need of a physical and psychological cuddle.
Dogs remember their litter feelings , as much as we miss being cuddled as children
Last night , I spent the evening FaceTiming friends as the pack dozed.
I thank covid for this “new” phenomenon
Chatting when you can see the person you are talking to
Is a great bonus when you live alone
They are in the room with you!
On Saturday I’m taking part in an interactive zoom discussion / lecture on gay cinema. We had to share what films we would like to discuss and my suggestion of The Object of my affection has been accepted.
I’ve always loved the novel as well as the movie and how they views love
This quote from the novel, I’ve always remembered and been touched by
"Often, what's most attractive about a person is that part they're trying hardest to conceal, that part they think is least likable. You find out about it and it becomes a secret bond between you, something you never talk about but hold close to your heart and are continually touched by"
My trip to Barcelona Is booked and sorted. I’m going with an old girlfriend which I know will be easy and fun and I hope I can book a cooking lesson on a Spanish cooking day I found through another friend.
Like the dog’s cuddles, the break will be total therapy and will be totally embraced.
I FaceTimed my friend and we giggled like schoolgirls about the holiday today.
It’s doing me good ….already
from Going Gently
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