

For some this will be a boring ‘ bad” blog
No long conversations. No long replies. No in depth recognition of the merits of off the wall films. 
No discussions on everything important.
So be it. 
I have covid again and I’m grounded from a much anticipated cinema trip.

Apart from feeling I’m swallowing ground glass when I sip my coffee I’m fine.

My back garden looks like the stink bombs front garden. I realised that yesterday. Now the “ stink bombs” were a family who lived in a rough looking council house near my primary school. The hedges were unkempt, and opened up wide enough in one side to allow the Ford cortina to park up to the living room windows. Scattered around would be a skip load of mostly broken plastic toys , a deflated paddling pool and beer cans. 
Even as 8 year old children , we were snobby and judgemental. 
Not nice eh? I only turned into Anne Shirley Cuthburt when I was a teen.

My garden has a look of the stink bombs and it’s all Roger’s doing
Empty milk cartons and plastic bottles, lie around next to bits of solar lanterns and  pieces of paper lie sodden after being gleefully held aloft like a fluttering flag and thrown in the air like a shuttlecock. 
An old lasagne container, parts of an old lead, a used coffee bag, the contents of a small houseplant pot.
He’s been skipping around with an empty coke bottle stolen from the recycling bag for the past half hour.
Bless him

from Going Gently

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