When All Is Said And Done


3000 ABBA fans in one purpose built, eco friendly stadium all intent on a good time.
What’s not to love.
We had a late lunch/ Early supper at Dishoom, then caught the central line to Stafford then the DLR to the Olympic park. 
We had a bottle of wine before the concert.
And it was a concert. A large band, backing singers and light show par excellence supported the ABBA holograms just as they would have done to four “real” artists, so from the get go the audience was transported to the ABBA of yesteryear.

It was all rather magical and at times strangely moving, especially as each of the band in close up hologram form addressed the crowds with an aside or anecdote in their 70 something older voices.and when they cranked up a gear, complimented by some very expensive and lovely light effects,  the whole area erupted into one big best friend meeting hug.

My favourite part, well apart from watching Janet becoming her 11 year old self again, was listening to Anni-fred sing the most melancholy of ABBA songs When All Is Said And Done proving even a hologram can be emotional 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/m94S1Js

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