
 The therapy session

Exercise and this blog are essential for my health. The body needs to move. Cerebral Palsy wreaks havoc on my muscles. The condition isn’t supposed to worsen as I age, but my body seems to disagree vehemently. The baclofen pump helps this too. I’ve had it about 15 years. It’s one of the best decisions besides Jesus that I ever made. Science and faith intertwine in my story everyday. I owe my quality of life to their interconnectedness. Writing this blog has opened me up, gotten me out of my shell, and given me a community I didn’t realize I desired. Disability is very lonely. I never knew my place, and haven’t felt comfortable in trying to locate it any longer. You are all a collective of wonderful humans who restore my faith, and give me hope. I need a daily dose of hope almost as much as my daily medicines. So thank you. I’m grateful you continue to bless me with your presence.  Love you all. Be the blessing and you will be blessed. 

from R's rue

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