Is it me?


Is it me ?
Or instead of one past-his-sale- by-date homosexual living a pretty hum drum single existence in a picturesque Welsh cottage 
Does it look ( and smell ) like four hormonal smelly teenage boys live in my house? 
Finishing nights, and after a few hours sleep , I’ve reviewed the wreckage .
Now some of the blame must be given to Roger who not only has gleefully stockpiled three discarded pairs of underpants in his crate but who managed to locate my new beard trimmer from inside a wash bag hidden underneath the bathroom sink and dismantle it over the living room Carpet when I was sleeping.
The rest of the mess , I’m afraid is down to me.
Cups and spoons clutter the kitchen tops, the bed looks like I’ve had a troupe of strippers in and I can’t even share what the bathroom looks like without an antiemetic 
On Friday the place was pristine 
Bugger knows how it happens

I took the dogs around to Trendy Carol’s when I did her shop ( she’s still got covid )  

And I made myself a late bucket of coffee before getting stuck in

from Going Gently

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