

Last night, as I was driving home after college I listened to a little gem of a radio programme on radio 4

Set in a northern city school File On Four learning to survive , was a gentle, but honest look of how an inner city school deals with a population ravaged by the financial crisis .
One sequence, had me geared up at Bluebell’s wheel 
It was the moment the school organised a “day in pyjamas” 
The children and staff all turned up in nightware, which was not just a bit of fun , but a crafty way for the senior teacher to see which children needed a proper fitting set of pyjamas later in the year.
Of course we provide the new Pj’s “ she added “;but only after they won them in a raffle” 
And it was that lie that really broke my heart just a little.
What a wonderful head teacher
What a fantastic bit of documentary radio and
What a lesson learned 

from Going Gently

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