
 “ He has been with me for all of my life, so far, I’ve had no one as loyal or as long-standing in my life “ 

So did a patient describe her brother to me the other day. 
It was a quote that lingered in my mind like a YouTube song 
And is one that has a resonance for I got the quote as soon as it left the patient’s mouth.

I’ve mentioned it here on Going Gently a few times, that my childhood wasn’t a particularly happy one. Like many sixties and seventies kids , we were a product of our age…..emotionally absent parents but well looked after children, we had siblings and grandparents to nurture us, so we were the lucky ones.
But inside our own four walls things were often somewhat sad.

My patient shared a memory of her brother with me and told me of it’s significance. And over sixty years I  thought of what one memory I could share that summed up my sisters’ and me.
I found one easily,  perched happily in a cerebral cul de sac of childhood memories in 1972 or there abouts. Janet and I were around 10.
My sister Ann’s house  One Saturday afternoon 
I think we were making Christmas cards 
Ann was singing badly. Singing the theme tune to a popular children’s magazine show at the time
And all I remember was laughter
Pure, unchecked, silly, belly laugh, laughter

from Going Gently

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