
This is my 341st blogpost of the year making this my best annual tally. I have overtaken 2020 - The Year of the Covid. However, there won't be any more blogposts for the next few days as we are heading down to London on Friday morning. We will be spending Christmas there and not returning until the day after Boxing Day.

For the past few years, I have made an online Christmas card using one of the photographs I took in preceding weeks. I e-mail that "card" to a range of acquaintances, past friends, distant family members and even some bloggers I have known for years.  There are several closer friends and family members plus neighbours  to whom I still post proper cards in the traditional manner.

This year's online card picture was only taken last week as I walked above Fernilee Reservoir in Derbyshire. You may recognise the image.

I have not been feeling well this past week - ticklish cough, leaking nasal passages, pink eyes, headache - that sort of thing but I think I am over the worst of it and hoping to enjoy a good night's sleep before the long drive to west London.

In the meantime, I would like to wish all regular and occasional visitors to "Yorkshire Pudding" a Merry Christmas and much health and happiness in 2023.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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