Not Much

 Old Trev , his niece told me is in hospital, she knows not where. 
I hope they found him an appropriate bed, so many of the patients sit in their ambulances outside A&E nowadays, a place , to be honest, I’d prefer his to be rather than on a hospital trolley. 
At least he would be warmer, and supervised by two trained professionals in the ambulance.
She will keep me up to date with any updates.

It’s college day today and I’m off soon. 
We [ the students]have presentations to give tonight.
I’ve practiced it in front of the dogs but only Roger seemed interested.

I may go to the cinema tomorrow to see Living 
I suspect it’s been a bit overblown by the critics but we will see

I met a guy with a hole in his jumper yesterday, there wasn’t the time to have a chat 🙁

And thank you for follower Jane ,    Who kindly left me a small gift. 
After a long and somewhat taxing shift yesterday, it was most welcomed…..

from Going Gently

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