The Chicken Field

 I found the painting behind the shelving until in my bedroom. 
It was covered in dust, and had slipped down out of sight over a year ago now
It’s a painting of fifteen multicoloured chickens 
I painted it 17 months ago now at the height of lockdown.

I think it’s important to remember the isolation of lockdown and not to forget it 
My lifelong friend Nia in New South Wales messaged me with the suggestion we cooked together on zoom on day. 
It was silly and frivolous and fun and sweet, and the conversation flowed easily in between the cracking of eggs and the mixing of sauces . Conversations you would have if you didn’t live alone 
Conversations you could still participate in lockdown .
From cooking we evolved to painting 
And the chicken field was born at the same time Nia swirled around blue abstract shapes on her canvass ten thousand six hundred miles away

This simple activity kept my head about water  during lockdown , it really did 
And yesterday I wrapped the duck painting in brown paper in preparation of sending it to Nia for Christmas.

She was there for me that day, with a smile and an inconsequential chatter and gossip about  ordinary things and I will always be grateful to her for that.

from Going Gently

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