Policemen Stories

I have always had a healthy respect for the police.
I was stopped by one last night when taking the dogs for a walk .
Bluebell had just had her service and the bike rack which is always hanging from the boot had come loose
The policeman just wanted me to know that it was unsafe.
He was very good looking and reached through the window to stroke Roger who suddenly became all wags and smiles. 
I smiled like a fat boy in a cake factory 
And simpered like a schoolgirl 

Years ago, I was once part of a psychiatric nurse team who had to retrieve a sectioned patient from their house in the community. We were accompanied by four extremely large Yorkshire policemen and my job in the whole event was to look after the syringes of intramuscular chlorpromazine . Sedation which I had to inject into the patient's buttocks if all went tits up.

Then I was only 23 and rather slight in stature. I also wore a very unflattering thick woolly jumper which made me look like a presenter of a 1980s childrens' tv show. I couldn't have been less of an asset to such a venture if I'd put on a gingham dress and platted my hair, but there we go.

Nowadays the police have all sort of equipment and protocols to follow in such situations as I am sure psychiatric nurses now do. Then , I chose the biggest and most manly policeman and stood behind him.
" Are you the lad with the drugs? " the policeman asked me when I peeped around his biceps to see what was going on
" yes " I gulped weakly
" Keep behind me, don't get in the way and if you need to jab the guy, I'll call you" he instructed carefully. He sounded like Freddie Truman and looked like a Greek god.
I nodded, white faced and shivered helplessly when he added

" and prick me with that fucking needle and I'll fucking batter you senseless !"

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/U9RImQE

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